Game Info

Experience the unique world of GreedFall
This all-new adventure takes you on a journey through the lands of the Old Continent not seen in GreedFall. Explore the Star City of Olima, sail to the mysterious shores of Uxantis and tread the treacherous backroads of the Deutan Empire for the first time. Uncover the secrets of these ancient lands - if you dare!
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Create your own character
In GreedFall 2, you can fully customize your character. Not only can you choose your character's appearance, but also how you want to play it. In combat, choose the style that suits you best. You can choose to be a fearsome warrior, a seasoned archer, a shaman with healing spells or a poison expert.
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A deeper RPG Experience
Immerse yourself in an ever deeper RPG experience where every choise has an impact on your adventure and where diplomacy, manipulation, infiltration and combat are all viable paths for you to achieve your aims.
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Early Access
Community Update #8 | Update 0.2 Beta Testing
Dear carants,In our last community update, we announced a change of plan for the game's next update following your feedback and the issue with Alvida’s actress. Since then, we've made good progress on the first major update and, to make sure we're on the right track and in line with your expectations, we asked a small group of players from our community to take part in a closed Beta Testing. The goal was for them to give us their feedback and report on the progress of the improvements and changes made.So far, the feedback we've received from this group of players has been encouraging, even if there are still some aspects we need to work on. All the comments made, both positive and negative, will help us add the finishing touches for update 0.2 so that it can be rolled out to everyone next.Then, when can we expect the release of update 0.2?Unfortunately, for now we can't give you a release date. We can, however, inform you that a final test version is going to be ready within two weeks. Depending on the level of satisfaction of our teams and the Beta Testing group of players, we will be able to give a date for the update which will include new content, such as:The continuation of the main quest which will lead you to the new region - Olima,A new companion,The Hub feature,The start of companion quests,New weapons and skills to use,New regional quests,Improved combat system which will be more reactive and user-friendly, in particular with the addition of:More responsive close combat attack controls,Quicker start and longer range for attacks,Faster animations when you start and chain attacks,Close camera with lock system for real time combat,Improvements in switching and selecting targets,Tactical skills to give group orders,Better visual feedback for damages and effects,Improved UI and new icons,And more...Can I also participate in the update Beta Testing?For the next update, this is no longer possible. However, for future updates, considering the interest and quality of the exchanges we’ve had, we're already planning to expand the group.To be able to participate, you can join our Discord server where we'll be announcing when the next Beta Testing is coming.In the meantime, we’ll see you next week to find out more about the new region, Olima, and what's in store for the next update.Stay tuned and happy gaming!Follow @greedfall and join the discussion:DISCORD X REDDIT FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM
Community Update #7 | End of the year and onwards
Dear carants,As the year draws to a close, we wanted to take a moment to talk to you about GreedFall 2 and reflect on our journey so far.A lot has happened since the start of Early Access. We are still as thrilled today as we were when we embarked on this new adventure, embracing a format that’s as new to us as it might be to you—Early Access.It’s been a challenging but rewarding experience. While some aspects hit the mark and were widely appreciated, some didn’t, but we expected it. More importantly, we remain committed to building a great game alongside you and listening to your invaluable feedback every step of the way. While there’s much we’re excited to share, some news will have to wait for the right time.As mentioned in our last Community Update, we have decided to delay the release of Update 0.2. This decision allows us to focus on implementing significant improvements and fixes based on your feedback. These include the combat system—which is as important to you as it is to us—the UI, character customization, optimization, and many other aspects. Most of the changes we want to implement will take place gradually. As they need substantial work, Update 0.2 will only be the first step towards this end goal. We’re looking forward to sharing these improvements with you when they’re ready.We also encountered an issue with recording Alvida’s lines during development. Sadly, for reasons out of our control, the original voice actress couldn’t record anymore, and we needed time to assess and find a solution. We recently met a new voice actress with whom we’ll start recording Alvida’s lines again. It also means we’ll have to record all her previous lines to ensure the voice doesn’t change in the middle of the game. So, you can expect a change of cast for the next update and onwards for Alvida.We wish we could provide a release date, but we would rather wait until we’re certain. What we can promise is that our priority remains delivering a game that meets your expectations and takes your feedback into account.Ensuring your voices shape this journey has always been the goal of Early Access.Thank you for your continued support. We wish you a wonderful end to the year and look forward to seeing you in 2025—a year we’re confident will be fantastic for GreedFall 2.Happy gaming!(PS. Here’s a small preview of one of the many things the team has been working on that you’ll be able to meet it in the land of Thynia…)
Community Update #6 | News on Update 0.2
Dear carants,Since the beginning of the Early Access, the team has been working on the next update and today, we bring some news about it.Update ContentWe mentioned in our previous Community Update that we were actively working on the new content for the next update. It will bring numerous additions such as: New region – The story will take you to Olima, the City of Stars. New companion – You’ll meet a new ally and unlock new skill trees. The Hub – A place where to rest, gather your companions and prepare your adventure. New quests – With the continuation of the story, new regional quests and the first companion quests. And more… The other topics we mentioned also progressed since the last Community Update. We plan to release part of it for the Update 0.2 to present an improved system for: Faster, smoother and more reactive combat experience; Cleaner animations in and out of combat; And more… Please note however that most of the changes we want to implement will take place gradually. As they necessitate substantial work, the Update 0.2 will only be the first step towards this end goal.We know we’ll need to keep building upon them to make the game’s experience better for everyone.As the Early Access continues and we keep up our working on implementing these deeper changes, you can expect even more improvements to the game, especially with the combat and the exploration.Of course, meanwhile, we will also keep a close eye on your feedback to ensure that we are going in the right direction.Update ReleaseWhile we initially planned to release the first major update during Autumn, we realized we needed a bit more time to be able to deliver proper content.We want your experience to be as fun as possible, so we decided to delay the Update 0.2. We want to take the time to address your feedback and polish certain aspects of the game which were demanded by the community.We will communicate the new date of release as soon as we can.In the meantime, we wanted to share some images of what we’ve been working on. They are still a work in progress, but it will give you a small peek of new places you can expect in the next update until we reveal more about it.Stay tuned and happy gaming!Follow @greedfall and join the discussion:[url]DISCORD X FACEBOOK INSTAGRAMREDDIT
Community Update #5 | One month celebration
Dear Carants, Today, it’s been exactly one month since the Early Access’ release, and to celebrate it we wanted to share some good vibes with you.Starting with the giveaway we are organizing on X that you can join to have a chance to win a Revolution 5 Pro controller for PS5 and PC. All the information is available here.We’ve also been blessed with an awesome community who’s been sharing its creative genius with us since the start of the journey. Recently, we’ve added some of their cute and cool creations to our Discord server and since then, it’s transformed into a dicey war of emotes!Credits and thanks to our lovely discord members: @scientific_archer @Damsel of Distress @Artie @sworbjorn @cyaine (cy) @CONSTANTIN D’ORSAY #1FAN @TheGreatLark @Master-Kankuro @Captain Sandwich Connoisseur @CelBHL Now, that’s just the beginning of the journey. As the team keeps working on the next update, we are also cooking some surprises for you too soon. So, stay tuned and until next time! Happy gaming! Follow @greedfall and join the discussion:DISCORD X FACEBOOK INSTAGRAMREDDIT
Hotfix 0.1.1 is live!
Hi carants,We've deployed a small patch which brings some fixes and improvements to the game. Here's the complete changelog.Improvements In borderless windowed mode, the mouse cursor is now constrained to the window The camera effect setting is now disabled by default to prevent motion sickness In combat, hovering over companions portraits will change the cursor’s appearance when you target an ally When hidden, combat log is now the correct size Removed gear types in description (light, medium, heavy) Added localization Increased Sulfur loot rate Improved the targeting of apes in combat The ‘hold button’ interaction with NPC doesn’t need to be held anymore, except to intereact with the companions Added new bald choice for Character Creation Improved lizards animation Apes will now descend from the trees once all the other apes on the ground are defeatedFixes Fixed an issue where the characters would slide when casting a spell which requires a line of sight without the line of sight Fixed scrolling on long notes in Codex Fixed an issue where the tutorial window would close while using the wrong input Fixed an issue where NPC would spin around for no reason Fixed the jittering of hair and clothes Fixed some dialogues in cinematics Fixed an issue where a boss would spawn on top of players Fixed the desynchronization of chest and arms during dialogues Fixed an issue where the lower part of the mouth would not move when speaking Fixed an issue where holes would appear in the clothes Fixed an issue where miners didn’t have pickaxes in their hands or sweeping NPC were not displayed properly Fixed an issue where the player’s eyebrows didn’t change colour properly Fixed the companions being inactive in Autonomous Party mode Fixed an issue where the close button on tutorial windows was not displayed properly Fixed the Lantern skill which now works as intended and has the right icon Fixed a blocking issue that could happen in the quest “Find the gold scales” Fixed the Depth of Field ratio during dialogues Fixed an issue where the main character didn’t auto-attack while they aren’t controlled in Autonomous Party mode Fixed an issue where the loot was missing from a chest in Teer Fradee Fixed an issue where the traps would reappear after fast travel or loading a saveHappy gaming!Follow @greedfall and join the discussion: DISCORD X FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM REDDIT